2014 Workshops

Friday, December 5, 2014

  • Workshops A: 1:45 – 3:45 pm

    Health Studies: The Impact on Latino Health

    Presented by: Marisela Robles

    Learn about the basics of health studies, why they are important and how to be an informed participant. Latinos are underrepresented in health studies, this means that we don’t fully understand how the majority of the medications and interventions out there affect our community or why Latinos may or may not be more susceptible to certain illnesses.

    Objectives: 1) Learn current statistics of Latino participation in research; 2) Understand the goal of health studies and why participation is important; 3) List the questions to ask researchers before consenting to participate in a study.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    All You Need to Know About Fats

    Presented by: Victoria Quintero

    Learn the role fats play in our organism, how to lower cholesterol and the harmful effects of hydrogenated fats. The presentation will also discuss the advantages of mono and polyunsaturated oils and omega 3.

    Objectives: 1) Learn to identify the different types of good and bad fats in our food and on food labels; 2) The risk of eating trans fats especially hydrogenated fats and learn where they are found; 3) Learn which fat is good for the absorption of vitamins and brain development of children.

    Categories: Physical Health, Skill Building

    Diabetes and Pregnancy: Risks, Intervention and Strategies for Healthier Lifestyles

    Presented by: Mary Conneely and Marissa Duprey

    Learn about maternal health following a pregnancy complicated by diabetes. This workshop will highlight Semillas de Cambio, a seven-week Promotora-instructed program designed to empower postpartum women to make lifestyle changes to improve their health as well as the health of their family.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the risks associated with gestational diabetes; 2) Learn five important health indicators utilized to improve health; 3) Learn about Mi Plan de Vida (My Life Plan) and the importance of goal setting.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Strengthen Your Relationships

    Presented by: Humberto Perez

    Improve your ability to interact and relate to people by learning about different types of personalities.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the different types of personalities and identify which personality is yours; 2) Learn how to project a professional image.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    “I Want to Change… I Don’t Want to Change.” The Motivational Interview: Techniques for Indecision
    Presented by: Alyssa Concha

    Learn interview skills, focusing on techniques that can be used while working with individuals battling indecision or resistance to healthy changes.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the six stages of change; 2) Learn five different interviewing techniques to facilitate self-motivation for change; 3) Learn at least three obstacles to conversations about healthy lifestyle changes.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    Making the Most of Your Money Through Proper Budgeting

    Presented by: Nelly Galan

    The goal of this workshop is to get you thinking about your finances in the future. Learn how to keep a monthly budget, minimize your household expenses, control the usage of credit cards, and eventually invest your savings into something that will produce profit.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the importance of keeping and what to include in a monthly budget; 2) Learn how to minimize your expenses to save money every month; 3) Learn how to get out of debt in a timely manner to save and invest your money in a small business.

    Categories: Personal Development, Information/Education

    Let Your Voice Be Heard Through Civic Engagement!

    Presented by: To be confirmed

    Learn how to register to vote and about the naturalization process. This workshop will teach participants how their voice can be used to make positive community changes.

    Objectives: 1) Get information on how to engage in the voting process and learn more about the voting culture and its impact in your communities; 2) Learn how to get other community members to participate in civic engagement.

    Categories: Advocacy, Skill Building

    Your Resumé: Your First Impression to an Employer

    Presented by: To be confirmed

    Learn the proper techniques in resumé writing in order to be considered for a job interview. The importance of making a great impression through your resumé and how to use it as a marketing tool that will put you at the door of your potential boss.

    Objectives: 1) Learn how to determine your objectives for a resumé; 2) Learn what to include, what not to include, what skills and strengths are best to highlight, and how to be clear and concise to land a job interview; 3) Learn about the importance of matching the company’s needs when applying for a position in order to be an interview candidate.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    Breastfeeding: Does Mom’s Size Matter?

    Presented by: Vanessa Annibali

    Discover how you can help Latinas learn the benefits of breastfeeding for her and for her baby and how she can prevent obesity in her fertile years.

    Objectives: 1) Identify ways obesity can impact breastfeeding initiation and duration amongst Latinas; 2) Examine trends of obesity among Latinas of childbearing age.

    Categories: Physical Health, Best Practices

    Taking Control of Your Health Program

    Presented by: Kaiser Permanente

    An overview of the program, “Tomando Control de Su Salud.” The program includes nine topics related to nutrition, physical activity, and mental health.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the Tomando Control de Su Salud (Taking Control of Your Health) program; 2) Identify ways to access the program; 3) Learn strategies for taking the program to your community.

    Categories: Physical Health, Best Practices

    Meeting of the Promotoras Network Regional Committee Members
    Presented by: Committee

    A meeting for regional Vision y Compromiso committee members of the Promotor and Community Health Worker Network.

  • Workshops B: 4:00 – 6:00 pm

    Embracing Latino LGBTQ Youth and Their Families in the Latino Community
    Presented by: Rhina Ramos

    Receive tools, resources, and best practices to reduce stigma and discrimination of the mental health needs of LGBTQ youth in the Latino community.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the mental and emotional risks for LGBTQ youth; 2) Identify tools and materials that will support Latino LGBTQ youth in their self-realization process; 3) Learn how to begin sensitive conversations.

    Categories: Mental Health, Information/Education

    Climate Change and Your Health Go Hand in Hand
    Presented by: Kathy Dervin and Nancy Palate

    Climate change is a reality that is increasingly impacting the community’s health and resources. Learn practical ways in which you can take action and be part of the solution. Also learn about energy efficiency, water conservation, transportation, and urban greening.

    Objectives: 1) Learn how health is affected by climate change; 2) Learn three practical ways you can be part of the solution; 3) Identify resources, tools and ideas for implementing a personal action plan.

    Categories: Enviromental Health, Information/Education

    Knowing How to Listen and What to Say… Two Essential Skills of an Effective Promotor
    Presented by: Veronica Torres and Julieta Martinez

    Increase your understanding of social communication skills. Skills covered will include assertiveness and problem solving to enable you to better relate to others and enhance personal resources in effective and productive team building resulting in quality performance outcomes.

    Objectives: 1) Become familiar with key communication approaches as well as the art of active listening and negotiation as a Promotor; 2) How to best implement assertiveness when giving constructive criticism; 3) Identify appropriate pathways to troubleshooting and problem solving.

    Categories: Personal Development, Skill Building

    Say No to Intimidation: Yes, to Good Communication! Prevention of Violence in the Workplace
    Presented by: Katia Rodríguez

    Will provide the opportunity to share experiences related to the topic of intimidation as a form of violence that affects your health, safety, and work performance. Identify possible individual and collective solutions. Elements and strategies for effective communication and key elements of a workplace violence prevention program will be outlined.

    Objectives: 1) Recognize the theme of violence as an occupational hazard; 2) Know the key elements of a workplace violence prevention program.

    Categories: Professional Development, Information/Education

    The Digestive System: The Source of Health
    Presented by: Humberto Perez

    Learn about the different stages of the digestion process and the major diseases associated with the digestive system.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the risks of a digestive system that does not function properly; 2) Know the symptoms of digestive diseases; 3) Develop healthy strategies to correct and prevent diseases related to the digestive system.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    Caring for Our Eyes So That We Can Continue to See the Future: How to Educate Our Communities About Glaucoma
    Presented by: Marcela Aguilar and Leslie Quiroz

    Learn about glaucoma, who is at greater risk of having glaucoma, and what can be done to protect vision. Using the kit, Cuidemos Nuestros Ojos Para Seguir Viendo el Futuro, group activities will be conducted, the contents of the kit will be reviewed, and strategies to use the materials in your communities will be presented.

    Objectives: 1) Learn what glaucoma is and how it affects vision; 2) Learn how to educate others on the importance of pupil dilation eye exams; 3) Learn how to educate the community utilizing the kit.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Making Health Care Work for You: Understanding Changes in Health Care
    Presented by: Abelardo de la Peña Jr.

    Learn about the recent changes in health care. Participants will learn about Health Net’s wellness programs and the use of technology to improve the health of our members and the community via telephone, email, web, and a mobile application.

    Objectives: 1) Learn how Health Net is participating in Covered California; 2) Learn about Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement options; 3) Describes how Cal MediConnect better integrates Medi-Cal and Medicare services for people enrolled in both programs.

    Categories: Personal Development, Information/Education

    Discovering Your Potential
    Presented by: Silvia Esqueda

    Identify your skills and innate talents that are necessary to live with inspiration and intention. The workshop will be experiential and interactive with practical information that everyone can apply in everyday life.

    Objectives: 1) Learn how to discover your innate talents; 2) Learn transformative/educational information on inspiration and intentions; 3) Learn guides and concrete steps that you can apply to your daily life.

    Categories: Mental Health, Information/Education

    Utilizing Technology to Teach About Breast and Colorectal Cancers
    Presented by: Socorro Carrillo

    Learn step-by-step how to access the latest e-learning cancer education modules. Scripts to support the training and information dissemination process will be provided.

    Objectives: 1) Learn to access bilingual breast and colorectal training modules via the American Cancer Society e-learning website; 2) Learn about cancer resources and the importance of early detection; 3) Learn about state resouce programs.

    Categories: Technology, Skill Building

    Learn about NDEP (National Diabetes Education Program)
    Presented by: Betsy Rodriguez

    An interactive presentation exploring resources used in diabetes education and risk reduction.

    Objectives: 1) Develop successful educational interventions for diabetes using resources from NDEP.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Saturday, December 6, 2014

  • Workshops A: 7:00 – 8:00 am

    Presented by: Jose Alfredo Cornejo

    Remedies and help for the management of stress, hypertension, and lesions of the spine through the use of exercises.

    Objectives: 1) Learn your body’s weaknesses; 2) Learn to strengthen your weaknesses through simple and practical exercises.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Smile Therapy: Let’s Laugh So We Can Then Smile. The Essence of the Promoter Is His/Her Smile.
    Presented by: Antolín Rodríguez

    Consists of muscle relaxation exercises, deep breathing and laughter yoga. Laughter therapy is also used to facilitate a state of peace and joy that yields a natural smile. Laughter is from the body while a smile is from the soul. A smile is a reflection of the spirit.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the holistic benefits of mental health and a positive attitude; 2) Learn about the holistic benefits of muscle relaxation, deep breathing and laughter; 3) Learn about the holistic benefits of inner peace, joy, and smiling.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Dance Therapy
    Presented by: Visión y Compromiso

    Come and enjoy a fun time relieving your stress through dance.

    Objectives: 1) Exercise; 2) Burn calories; 3) Have fun.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

  • Workshops B: 9:00 – 11:00 am

    What You Need to Know About Autism to Help Your Community

    Presented by: Kathryn Smith y Marisela Robles

    Learn more about autism to help families get services faster. Latino children are receiving diagnosis of autism later than their white counterparts. Early diagnosis and intervention are vital to the development of a child.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the definition of the term-developmental delays; 2) Describe the basics of autism and understand the importance of early intervention; 3) Learn the three types of primary service providers to seek with concerns about a child’s development.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    The Map of My Well-being: Self-care and Community Work
    Presented by: Jose Arturo Palato

    This educational and experiential workshop will promote skills in self-care in the seven areas of life and in the Promotor’s personal mission as a community worker.

    Objectives: 1) Identify your level of effectiveness in the seven areas of life; 2) Develop an action plan; 3) Know the differences between victim vs. culprit, and perfection vs. excellence for self-care.

    Categories: Personal Development, Skill Building

    Empodérate: Health Empowerment for Palliative Care
    Presented by: Olga Gerberg, Pilar Alcántar

    An educational workshop that will lead to the understanding of palliative care, will raise health literacy and will encourage full use of healthcare services.

    Objectives: 1) Recognize the importance of balanced care for chronic illness- physical, emotional, mental, spiritual; 2) Know how the definition of “chronic disease” fits your own health situation; 3) Know that palliative care is care that supports the whole patient and family as chronic illness progresses; 4) Understand ways to take an active role in their health care.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Many Stories to Tell: Tell Us the Story!
    Presented by: Luis Guillermo Uribe Perea

    Will provide a theoretical overview of communication as an essential element to building relationships and mobilizing health messages. It will vindicate the exercise of storytelling or narratives as building blocks of our society.

    Objectives: 1) Through constructing narratives identify how to deliver health promotion messages; 2) Learn how to implement local communication strategies.

    Categories: Professional Development, Information/Education

    Using HealthyCity.org for Health Promotion and Education
    Presented by: Juana Rosa Cavero, Maidel Luevano y Silvia Paz

    You will learn how to use the web site HealthyCity.org to find local health services and other resources, as well as how to search for basic data on population and health that can help you understand the conditions of the community.

    Objectives: 1) Find health resources in your community; 2) Create a list or a map of these resources to share with the community; 3) Find basic data on the community population and health conditions.

    Categories: Technology, Information/Education

    Health Care Reform: How It Benefits and Affects You
    Presented by: To be confirmed

    We will analyze the benefits of health care reform and the percentage of users in the first year of implementation in California and its impact on the Latino community. Benefits, how to use the coverage to practice preventative health, as well as individual responsibility and employer’s responsibility will be explained.

    Objectives: 1) Learn or reaffirm your basic knowledge of health care reform; 2) Learn the benefits of health care reform and patient protections that help you stay healthy; 3) What you should know about qualifying for an exemption from the penalty.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Skills for a Successful Interview
    Presented by: To be confirmed

    Key points you should know to achieve a successful interview will be covered as well as basic factors the interviewer considers during a job interview.

    Objectives: 1) Identify the key points for a successful interview; 2) Identify your strengths and skills; 3) Learn the basic elements to consider during an interview.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    A Conversation with AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
    Presented by: Adriana Mendoza

    Learn about AARP’s local community initiatives and how to support men and women that are 50 and over and their families.

    Objectives: 1) Identify local resources for older adults; 2) Learn how to get involved with AARP.

    Categories: Advocacy, Information/Education

    Learn About NDEP (National Diabetes Education Program) Part 2
    Presented by: Betsy Rodriguez

    Part 2: Interactive presentation to explore the resources used in diabetes education and risk reduction.

    Objectives: 1) Develop successful educational interventions about diabetes using resources from NDEP.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Surviving Cancer
    Presented by: Miriam Hernandez

    The workshop will provide data and information about surviving blood cancers, and specifically leukemia. A panel of survivors will share their stories of hope after diagnosis and how patients need information and access to treatment.

    Objectives: 1) Promotores will be able to identify three major types of blood cancer; 2) Promotores will learn two key ways patients can advocate for themselves; 3) Promotores will receive information on three cancer resources.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Empowering Latino Parents So Their Children Succeed

    Presented by: Silvia Esqueda

    An introduction to the program of Abriendo Puertas (AP), an evidence-based parenting, leadership, and advocacy training program for parents of children 0–5. AP is centered on the cultural values, strengths, and experiences of Latino families.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the program, Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors) and it’s value as an evidence-based intervention; 2) Learn techniques for creating a safe environment for parents to reflect, learn, and take action.

    Categories: Advocacy, Information/Education

  • Workshops C: 2:15 – 4:15 pm

    Want to Change Your Life? Change Your Thoughts!
    Presented by: Amanda Casanova

    Through effective techniques and programming, positive patterns of behavior will be created to achieve health, abundance, success, happiness and harmonious relationships.

    Objectives: 1) Identify personal areas of conflict as well as unwanted habits and behaviors; 2) Learn techniques to quickly achieve positive changes.

    Categories: Personal Development, Information/Education

    Childhood Disorders: Behavioral Disorders
    Presented by: Carolina Ramirez

    Know the different types of childhood behavioral disorders, their symptoms, treatment options and the importance of early intervention.

    Objectives: 1) Learn about the diagnosis and the criteria for behavior disorders; 2) Learn about treatment options and recommendations.

    Categories: Mental Health, Information/Education

    Learning How to Use the Diabetes and Eye Health Kit
    Presented by: Marcela Aguilar

    Offered by the National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP), it will provide an introduction to the Diabetes and Eye Health kit. It will include activities to learn about the complications of diabetes on the eyes and the importance of having a complete eye examination. Participants will practice how to use the kit and discuss how to bring it to their communities. Each participant will receive a free eye kit.

    Objectives: 1) Learn how to describe complications of diabetes on the eyes; 2) Learn how to highlight the importance of eye exams including dilating the pupils; 3) Learn how to educate the community using the Diabetes and Eye Health kit.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Using Technology and Social Networking in Your and Your Community’s Favor
    Presented by: Alejandra Aguilar Avelino

    Explore the use of social networking as a tool that can be used in favor of the Promotor to achieve a greater impact in his/her community. Tips will be shared to improve the quality of messages to his/her audience and provide tools to facilitate the use of these social networks.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the three most popular social networking platforms; 2) Learn how to use the platforms to increase community outreach; 3) Learn how to use social networks in an easier and more efficient way.

    Categories: Technology, Information/Education

    Empowering the Latino Community to Fight Cancer
    Presented by: Judith Martinez, Israel de Alba, y Rebecca Coronado

    You will learn the basics of breast and colorectal cancer, risk factors, symptoms and screening recommendations. There will also be an educational intervention focused on breast and colorectal cancer in the Latino Community; how the American Cancer Association works with Promotores in the community; and tools and resources available to Promotores.

    Objectives: 1) Learn breast and colorectal risk factors, prevention, and its burden on the Latino community; 2) Learn about tools and resources; 3) Learn three ways to motivate the community to action.

    Categories: Professional Development, Information/Education

    What Hundreds of Latinas Said… About Abortion
    Presented by: Gabriela Valle

    Based on what studies show, you will learn what Latinas really think about abortion in a safe space with respect, openness and sensitivity for diverse opinions. (It is not a debate). Reproductive health care includes the pre-natal, desire for family, contraceptives, and abortion care.

    Objectives: 1) Learn other women’s personal and political views about abortion; 2) Learn statistical information from two polls (California and national) highlighting Latinas’ actual views on issues related to abortion; 3) Learn to access reproductive health care services.

    Categories: Advocacy, Information/Education

    The Social Determinants of Health
    Presented by: To be confirmed

    The workshop will explore the intersection between individual health behaviors and the environment in which an individual lives, his/her available health resources and the impact to public health. Promotores will learn about the different topics related to the social determinants of health in public health and will acknowledge the importance of their role as an effective strategy to promote community health.

    Objectives: 1) Learn the social determinants of public health; 2) Learn how health behaviors relate to the impact on public health; 3) Reflect on issues related to the determinants of health and the work of the Promoter as an effective strategy to promote health.

    Categories: Physical Health, Information/Education

    Suicide Prevention
    Presented by: Visión y Compromiso

    Important information will be provided about the prevention of suicide specifically how to identify the risk factors in order to possibly help an individual. Effective strategies to talk about suicide will be shared.

    Objectives: 1) Learn cultural and social aspects related to suicide; 2) Discuss risk factors for suicide; 3) Share effective strategies for suicide prevention.

    Categories: Mental Health, Information/Education

    Promotor: Your Strengths and Skills for the Labor Market
    Presented by: To be confirmed

    The Promotor will identify and/or acknowledge his/her strengths in order to utilize them as effective tools to project his/her experience in the labor market.

    Objectives: 1) Identify your strengths and experiences; 2) Learn what different skills are considered for employment and in the workplace; 3) Create a list of your strengths and experiences.

    Categories: Professional Development, Skill Building

    Migration: A Risk Factor in Mental Health
    Presented by: To be confirmed

    Will analyze and reflect upon migration and the factors that impact a migrant’s mental health and other aspects of his/her life.

    Objectives: 1) Provide a forum for analysis and reflection on the topic of migration and mental health; 2) Recognize factors related to migration that impact the mental health of migrants; 3) Discussion of the stages of grief resulting from migration that affect mental health.

    Categories: Mental Health, Information/Education