Project West

What is Project West?

We work with homeless and justice-involved people in the city of San Bernardino. Our goal is to assist and build relationships with members of the unhoused community to better identify their goals and help them improve their quality of life.

What we do:

  • Provide care packages with food, hygiene, and daily use supplies to ease day-to-day life on the streets.
  • Build relationships with unhoused community members to tailor our support and assistance to their needs and goals.
  • Hold forums with unhoused community members to understand the systemic problems affecting their communities and empower them to have a voice in creating solutions for their community.

¿Qué es Project West?

Trabajamos con personas sin vivienda y en contacto con el sistema de justicia en la ciudad de San Bernardino. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar y construir relaciones con miembros de la comunidad sin vivienda para identificar mejor sus objetivos y ayudarlos a mejorar su calidad de vida.

Que hacemos:

  • Proporcionar paquetes de ayuda con alimentos, higiene y suministros de uso diario para facilitar el día a día en las calles.
  • Establecer relaciones con miembros de la comunidad sin vivienda para adaptar nuestro apoyo y asistencia a sus necesidades y objetivos.
  • Organizar foros con miembros de la comunidad sin vivienda para comprender los problemas sistémicos que afectan a sus comunidades y empoderarlos para que tengan voz en la creación de soluciones para su comunidad.

Food Resources

Fresh Produce Distribution1455 E. Third St. San Bernardino, CA 92410Every Friday:
8 am–9:30 am
Registration Form
Mary Mercy Center Lunch Service641 Roberds Ave N, San Bernardino, CA 92411Monday-Thursday:
11:30 am-1:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday:
11:30 am-1:30 pm
For more information please call (909) 889-2558
Community Action Partnership San Bernardino (CAPSB) Food Bank696 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San BernardinoMonday through Friday:
8 am–5 pm
(909) 723-1500
St. John’s Episcopal Church1407 N Arrowhead Ave, San Bernardino, 924053rd Wednesday of each month​:
9 am–11 am
Westside Christian Center
224 E 16th St, San Bernardino, 92404
4th Saturday of each month:
10 am–12 pm
First Presbyterian Church1900 N D St, San Bernardino, 924053rd Saturday of each month​:
9 am–11 am


Centro Nueva Esperanza
3012 N Waterman Ave, San Bernardino, 924042nd Thursday of each month:
5 pm–6:30 pm
St. Paul A.M.E1355 W 21st St, San Bernardino, 924112nd Friday of each month:
9 am–12 pm
