Abogacia • Advocacy

Hacia una vida digna y sana • Towards a dignified and healthy life

Founded in 2000, Visión y Compromiso is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of underrepresented communities by lifting up the leadership and voices of promotoras and community health workers (CHWs)—trusted community experts who educate, empower, and advocate for change locally and nationally. Created by, for, and with promotoras, Visión y Compromiso has consistently centered on grassroots community leadership while becoming a sought-after partner to diverse organizations, agencies, and institutions seeking to adopt the Promotora Model to advance community well-being. Visión y Compromiso coordinates local and national advocacy alongside partners through the Red de Promotoras y Trabajadores Comunitarios (Network of Promotoras and Community Health Workers), La Alianza (The Alliance), and The National Network of Promotoras and CHWs. 

Visión y Compromiso’s Network of Promotoras and Community Health Workers (Network) led by volunteer promotores and supported by our team of Network Managers, is active in 14 regions of California and Nevada and provides support in numerous other states. The California Network of Promotoras and Community Health Workers (Network) was established as a forum for promotoras to participate in diverse trainings and exchange support, best practices, resources, and advocacy related to healthcare, social determinants of health, immigration, education, the workforce, and more. Promotoras and CHWs identify issues and community needs and organize and mobilize to inform policy and systems change. In each region, the Network brings promotoras together to share resources, participate in training, and coordinate community events and provides a forum to advocate behind key issues that strengthen families at the local and national level—including coordinating a California Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Week of Action

La Alianza (The Alliance) is a coalition of 18 community-based organizations (CBOs) in California who employ and support promotoras and CHWs. Founded by Visión y Compromiso, La Alianza is a collaboration of CBOs from throughout California that have a long history of recruiting, training, and supporting the promotora and CHW workforce to amplify promotora and CHW voices behind a common agenda. This includes increased investments in public health infrastructure and prevention-oriented activities to advance equity and improve the health and well-being of immigrant and indigenous communities, communities of color, and the uninsured. La Alianza also promotes policy and systems change to better support the promotora workforce, CHWs, and the communities they serve.

The California Network of Promotoras connects promotora regional committees and coalitions to advocate for greater recognition of the Promotora Model for community transformation and for state policies to strengthen families and communities. 

Year-round, promotoras are actively engaged in our communities and advocating for just policies. Visión y Compromiso engages the leadership of promotoras in order to participate with other stakeholders in decision-making and policy development and convene forums to support policies that are reflective of community needs. 

Promotoras‘ Statewide Legislative Week

Every year, Visión y Compromiso’s Network, led by volunteer promotoras and supported by our team of Network Managers, coordinates Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Week of Action.  Learn more