Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Week of Action
May 6-10, 2024 • Sacramento, CA & Facebook Live
The Network of Promotoras and Community Health Workers (Network) was created to provide a platform for promotoras to engage in diverse training and exchange support, best practices, resources, and advocacy related to healthcare, social determinants of health, immigration, education, workforce, and more. Promotoras and CHWs identify issues and community needs, and organize and mobilize to inform policy and systems change. In each region, the Network brings promotoras together to share resources, participate in training, and coordinate community events. It provides a forum to advocate behind key issues that strengthen families at the local and national level, including coordinating a California Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Week of Action.
Every year, Visión y Compromiso’s Network, led by volunteer promotoras and supported by our team of Network Managers, coordinates Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Week of Action. Promotoras work year-round in local and statewide policy priority areas of health, education, immigration, and the promotora and community health worker (CHW) workforce. During the first week of May, promotoras plan an event-filled week along with a Promotoras’ Statewide Legislative Day of Action in California’s capital. Below are more details on our legislative week of action alongside key advocacy materials.
To learn more about the Promotora Model, priorities, needs and impact, reference our promotora advocacy resources linked below.