Our innovative training programs are designed to give promotoras the information, skills, and understanding they need to communicate with and advocate for their communities.
Our Transformative Approach: Topics are presented through experiential activities and evolve according to the collective level of experience of the participants. This transformative approach has its roots in Paulo Freire’s principles of popular education. Our training sessions create a space of collaboration and respect that not only informs, but also transforms and empowers.
Promotoras Transforming Families and Communities (PTFC)
48-hour core competency training comprised of the three-stage model of community transformation. The main themes are interrelated and progressive and complement each other throughout the training.
Advocacy and Leadership Training
48-hour curriculum which culminates in participants developing and implementing a project to address social and policy challenges in their own communities.
Emotional Wellness/Mental Health
In partnership with The Center for Multicultural Development at the California Institute for Mental Health. 32-hour training on common mental health conditions and mental health prevention, treatment and support services in their communities.
Bailoterapia (Dance therapy)
36-hour promotora certification training to help community members integrate moderate physical activity into their daily lives and build social networks for vital peer support, ensuring sustainable lifestyle changes. more >
Promotoras Supervision: Cultivating Excellence in Promotora Leadership
Training in management skills and knowledge of supervising promotora teams to achieve and sustain leadership positions in the promotora workforce.
Reproductive Justice in the Latino Community
This 4-session curriculum (each session is 2 hours and can stand alone or be presented as a series) provides tools, resources and materials to transform how promotoras think about race, rights, gender, sexuality and reproduction.
safeTALK—Suicide Prevention
Developed by LivingWorks, safeTALK is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone over the age of 15 to become a suicide-alert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. safeTALK-trained helpers can connecting them with life-saving intervention resources.

Training department leadership
Alma Esquivel, Director of Training and Education
Gerry Balcazar, Senior Manager, Learning and Social Enterprise